Sunday, July 01, 2007

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
When this verse was first brought to my attention, I was going through some strife. It wasn't a life changing disaster though- and my interpretation of the verse was along the lines that no matter what happens in your life, it has good as its ultimate purpose.

Recently, I've revised my thinking. Now, I'd say the verse means that no matter what happens in your life, good can come from it. That might not seem too different, but really its a fundamental shift- where before I'd say bad things are really good things that seem bad at the time, now I'd say that bad things just happen, and they're exactly that- bad; perhaps catastrophic in some cases. The message I'd take from the verse is that no matter how bad your circumstances, you can find some good in it somewhere- so take heart, and look for the good.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty much how I interpret that verse.

Greg said...

Have you always seen it that way?

Nathan said...

I'm slightly different. I figure all things will ultimately pan out in the end for the good of us. Seems to make more sense to me in the context.

Used to see it how you used to see it though.

Greg said...

So... are you saying that you don't think anything will ever happen to us where we'll always look back and wish it hadn't happened?