Saturday, August 19, 2006

Microsoft: Very Stupid

To reinforce the point made by brehaut I thought I'd share this gem... why on earth would the status of archaic and nearly obsolete browser that I haven't used in months prevent me from using another app? Also, what the heck does '81000362' mean?


Greg said...

A pertinent question- perhaps you should ask my luddite friends who don't seem to have heard of gmail.
Keeping in touch with them is my only reason.

Christina said...

Good use of the word luddite! :D

Anonymous said...

oi greg - put something on here thats NOT about computers for once aye!

Jenn said...

by the way, i got one too now.
a blog that is.

Anonymous said...

The same thing kills Google Earth too, by the way (or at least used to). At least the error message now tells you what the problem is!