For most 13 year old kids, managing their finances means seeing how many CDs/burgers/sugary treats they can buy with their weekly pocket money- so I was somewhat surprised at church this morning when a 13 year old girl by the name of Lizzie got up to share on the topic of financial freedom. Ten minutes later, I understood. This girl had, since the age of 9, been saving her money and collecting funds from her family and friends to send to a missionary organisation called Freeset that takes prostitutes off the streets of Calcutta and employs them in a factory making jute bags. For $300, they can take a girl of the street and set her up with a job.
She spoke so articulately about how God had placed this particular part of Calcutta on her heart and given her the opportunity to make a difference there that you would have thought she was 30, not 13.
It was without a doubt the most inspiring thing I've ever heard in a church.